I would be remiss if I didn't take a quick minute to discuss what went on January 6th. I am not going to share my political views, but I will say what happened was dead ass wrong. There is no way that I can ignore it, condone it, move on from it. The events happened in my backyard. Near where my husband works. The monsters that started this didn't care who or what they hurt to make their point known.
But I don't want to talk about them. I want to stop giving them the notoriety that they are getting on every major new channel. I want to talk about what we can do to help our nation and our fractured relationships with each other.
We need to stop thinking that each other is the enemy. This has gone on too long. Fueled by politicians that could care less about us. We need to work together to make things better. We need to stop the violence in every circle. We need to help those less fortunate. We need to work to stop suppression and systematic racism that occurs in our society ( if you are someone that does not believe this exists I would welcome you to come join me in my school or in their neighborhood one day). We need to start working together. Things are not going to get better if we keep thinking each other is the enemy. Things aren't going to get better if we see each other as a political party rather than a person. Things aren't going to get better if we judge each other for the choice we make or the life we live.
Stop playing into what these career politicians, news outlets, & social media platforms say... start looking for candidates who truly care about society and know about their constituents, do research before coming to conclusions. We as a society need to do better. If you are still reeling from what happened, channel those emotions into doing something to better our nation and our society. Use this as motivation to help others and to make things better. I am not telling you to "to get over it" because that is not something I will be able to do any time soon. There is so much that I could write about this subject but I would be here forever. I just want to leave you with one thing.
Take some time today and be kind to someone. It doesn't have to be giving your left arm... just say hi. Ask a stranger how they are doing. These small gestures make such a big difference in the lives of people. Like a ripple effect kindness will spread out to others. Hopefully one day I will come back to this platform to talk about the positive change I have seen. Until then I promise to do my part.